Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Prayer, Song, and Thought for the Day

Prayer for the Day
Lord, I want to praise Your name because of whom you are and for all you have done for me. Also I want to thank you for all the things you have done for me that I don’t even know that you have done.  You are truly summa cum laude since you are the only one who is worthy of the loudest and greatest praise.  Lord, teach me to praise you even though your praise is unsearchable.  Even though your praise is above my ability to search out or understand, I want you to know that I want to give You all the praise that I am capable of giving.  This I am praying in your matchless name.  Amen.
Song for the Day Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing by Robert Robinson
Thought for the Day
All of us have most likely given someone praise that really did not deserve it.  One thing is sure we will never be sorry after we have given our loudest praise to God.




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