Saturday, April 5, 2014

Dead Sacrifices vs. Living Sacrifices Part 2

Dead Sacrifices vs. Living Sacrifices Part 2
Romans 12:1 “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.”
The dead Christian musician doesn’t have to be a worship leader; give voice, trumpet, or piano lessons; direct a choir or orchestra, or direct a Christmas musical production because it is too busy being dead...  You see it majors on doing what a dead sacrifice does—nothing!  The dead sacrifice is too busy being dead to have time to be a minister of music, teach in a Christian school or a bible College.
The Christian musician who is busy being dead has all his or her attention on the long list of things that a dead musician does not do.  The Christian musician who is preoccupied being dead knows a least reasons why he or she is not qualified to do anything of a musical nature for God.  The dead Christian musician has cloaked himself or herself with the robe of righteousness so tightly that it would put a mummy to shame.
Let me make myself very clear.  I am saying that the Christian musician should be dead to sin and alive to God’s kingdom at the very same time.  The Christian musician not only has things that he or she does not do but also things that he or she DOES DO!  I believe in relationship to Jesus Christ.  I believe that the Christian musician should take time to be holy.  However, Gods word as expressed in Romans 12:1 is begging (beseeching) the Christian musician to present God a living, working, ministering, sharing body.


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