Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Unwanted Gift

The Unwanted Gift
            Today is my oldest brother Dr. David Wolf’s birthday.  Thinking about his birthday has caused me to remember a gift that he gave me many years ago.  We all like to receive gifts but this gift was different. It was a beautiful and expensive gift but that did not matter to me because I did not want to receive it.  It is what I call the unwanted gift.  I cannot remember when he gave it to me but I will never forget the fact that he brought it with him when he came home from the US Navy.  The unwanted gift was a Bible.
            The reason that I did not want it was because I was not a Christian at that time and had no intension of trading it.  David has given me many fine gifts over the years but this was the greatest gift that he has ever given to me.  That is saying  lot because he once gave me a car!  It was  great gift because it brought me face to face with my lost condition.  It made me think about the fact that I was very sinful and needed to confess my sins and give my heart to God. 
            There was an even greater gift that was given to sinful men and women—that gift was God’s giving of his only son Jesus Christ to come to this sinful world to live, suffer, and give His life on a cruel cross at Calvary.  Many sinful men and women did not receive that wonderful gift, but thanks be to God, He gave his only begotten Son anyway.  My brother gave a gift to me because he loved me.  God gave His only son for sinful men and women because he loved us all with a wonderful unfathomable love.




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