Saturday, August 24, 2013

Singing When You are Under Stress

Singing When You are Under Stress  

Psalm 57:7 states, “My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed:  I will sing and give praise.”
       Evidently David prepared this Psalm for the chief Levite musician during the time he was fleeing from King Saul.  While under great stress the Psalmist David found it necessary to prepare his heart before he could sing and give praise unto God.  This scripture says that David “fixed his heart.  The Hebrew word kuwn (3559) means that David prepared his heart by making spiritual preparation so that he could sing and rejoice although he was under great pressure from King Saul.
       Christian musicians who are constantly working with others will from time to time find themselves under great stress.  At such times there will often be situations that cause hard feelings and misunderstandings that require much heart preparation.  If the Christian musician does not take time to make the necessary heart “fixing”, burnout is sure to happen.
      My beloved former pastor R.E. Carroll used to tell those of us who worked closely with him that when trouble and misunderstanding arose in his life that he would pray, “Lord handle me.  Lord take care of my attitude.”  Rather than pray that the Lord would change the other guy, he would ask the Lord to change him and his attitude.
       So, when the heat is on, do not try to music unto God until you have had an “attitude adjustment”.  I believe that it is impossible to have an efficacious music ministry when your heart is not prepared or “fixed’.  Heart fixing is absolutely necessary before you music unto God.  It doesn’t do much good to tune your harp until you have tuned your heart.

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