Monday, August 5, 2013

Sew in Tears and Reap With Singing

                                            Sew in Tears and Reap with Singing   

Psalm 126:5&6 states, “They that sew in tears shall reap in joy.  He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.”
       The Hebrew word rendered joy in verse five and rejoicing in verse six is rinnah (7440) which means joy or singing.  So it is a just understanding, from this word, to deduce that weeping Christians are also singing Christians.  Musicians, who go out weeping, as they sew precious musical seed, will doubtless return singing and rejoicing. 
       Tonight I feel like a musical failure. I had a rough day at the Band Camp where I am directing the advanced band.  If I were to go on how I feel, I would probably turn in my resignation.  However, I know better than to quit when I am very weary and depressed.  I am setting propped up in bed reading Scripture.  I just re-read verses five and six of the 126th Psalm and they have given me the courage to believe that my musical ministry to these young people is worth every minute I spend here at this band camp.
       Weeping over my musicing prepares my heart, as a musician, so that I may bear precious seed to these wonderful young musicians.  Tonight the choir sang and the orchestra played some wonderful sacred music.  The words of one of the songs said, “Be strong in the Lord and be of good courage”.  The words did not bless my soul as we rehearsed them, but they are blessing me at this moment.
       At this very moment, I am realizing all over again that it is my job, as a Christian music director, to “go” and to “weep” and to ‘bear precious seed”, and it is God’s responsibility to “break the loaves and the fish’ and to feed these young people’s hearts.  A proper musical attitude for a music minister is to music in a spirit of humility.    If I do, God has promised to give me sheaves of harvest to bring, as a musical offering, to my heavenly father.

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