Monday, August 26, 2013

Musicing the Word of the Holy One of Israel

                                             Musicing the Word of the Holy One of Israel   

Psalm 71: 22 states “I will also praise thee with the psaltery, even thy truth, O my God: unto thee  will I sing with the Harp, O thou Holy One of Israel.”
       The God is worthy of our musical worship, is Elohiym (430) the supreme plural form of the word for the exceeding God.  The God who Israel worshiped with the harp and lyre in vocal and instrumental praise is identified as the “Holy One of Israel”.  The Hebrew word qadosh (6918) means the only true God who is morally perfect or clean.  This holy supreme God must be worshiped in his “truth”.  Our musicing proclaims the “true” truth of our holy, supreme exceeding God. 
       The psalmist was not only interested in  singing and playing the large hand-held lyre, but he was also concerned with proclaiming the absolute truth of God’s message to his people.  In order for a Christian musician to music the truth of the Bible, he or she must believe that it is the absolute accurate inspired Word of God.  St. John 1:1 very clearly proclaims that “in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”   As we know the word logos (3056) means something said and that all the divine expressions or accounts were breathed out by God and therefore God and what he has said in Scripture cannot be separated. 
       Therefore, every Christian musician must realize just how important his or her musicing really is.  As Christian musicians we have the awesome opportunity and responsibility to sing and play about God’s righteousness, wonderful works, salvation, and holiness.  Twenty first century Christian musicians must not get so busy performing that they forget that they are presenting the “true” truth of the “Holy One of Israel”.


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