Thursday, August 15, 2013

Prayer for the day-Singing to Remember

                                      Prayer for the day-Singing to Remember      

       I thank you Lord!  I thank you for bringing to my memory all the times you have come to my deliverance. I thank you who for saving and sanctifying power that are real in my life.  Please, Lord, accept my songs of your deliverance which I am singing unto you as a sacrifice of praise. I am asking that, as I take the journey from the natural to the supernatural to give you praises from deep within my heart, that my prayer will ascend from my little office where I am typing this little earnest prayer unto heaven where you dwell in power and splendor.  I want You to know that I love you and that I thank you for all you have done for me just because You love me.  Also, thank you in advance for all you will do for me during this day!



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