Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Musicing with Humility and Tears

 Musicing With Humility and Tears  
Psalm 126:5 states “they that sow in tears shall reap in joy.”  (Songs of joy- NIV)
       The Hebrew word rinnah (7440) is used with much latitude in the OT.  It often represented joy, rejoicing, shouting joyfully, or singing.  The Bible often speaks of the process of sewing and reaping.  In this instance one who desires to reap with the joy of singing must sow with tears.
       St Paul reminded the Ephesian elders that he had served the Lord with “humility of mind” and with many tears.  Many of the problems that plague our public music ministry will never be worked out in a rehearsal or in a board meeting.  The Psalmist reminds us in Psalm 126 that the humility of tears will bring the desired results. 
       Verse six states “He that goeth forth and weepeth bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again rejoicing (rinnah 7440 i.e. with joyful singing), bringing his sheaves with him.”  The word alummah (485 refers to some kind of grain bound together into a bundle.  In this case it connoted the result of a spiritual harvest.  If the Christian musician will have a tender “weeping” spirit, God has promised a precious harvest that will end in singing.  Some things are only accomplished by prayer and humility before the Lord.
       So, if we as Christian musicians, want to sing and have an efficacious music ministry there will be a time of waiting on the Lord with humility and tears until God hears and answers our prayers.  The Christian musical leader must desire the results of an efficacious musical ministry more than a music program that  is ”instant pudding, ” “flashy,” quick and showy.  It takes a time or continuous Spirit led musicing before one often sees the desired results.

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