is Christ, Not Music, That Draws Men.
St John 12:32, 33
states, “And I, if I be lifter up from the earth, will draw all men unto
me. This he said, signifying what death
he should die.
Christ left no doubt in our minds, in
this Bible lesson, that He would die on the cross in order that we could be drawn
to him and have forgiveness of sins. De
explained in verse 47b that, “I came not to judge the world, but to save the
world.” So, we know with surety that all
who will receive Christ may be saved.
Twenty first century church musicians must remember that it is our
responsibility to sing and play the gospel message, and it is His
responsibility to draw all men unto Himself.
I believe that there is a great need in
this century for men and women to hear expository preaching. There is also a need for expository music
ministry so that all will have knowledge of the message of Christ’s suffering,
death and resurrection as well God’s law and His love for all people.
Praise music is wonderful because the
blessed Trinity is worthy of all of our praise and adoration. Although our praises are comely for the
upright, they are not the complete gospel message. The gospel message is the old, old story of
the Christ who left the portals of the Glory World, took on the form of man,
and suffered, died on the old rugged cross, paid the full penalty for sin, and
was resurrected in order that we might have forgiveness of all our sins. It is through Christ and Christ alone, that
we may be justified through the grace that is extended unto us all. Unless our musicing expounds the full gospel
message, it is by far an incomplete ministry.
Are you musicing the full gospel message? Does your musicing tell lost men and women that Christ unselfishly shed His own blood for their sins? Do you music regularly that all have sinned and have come short of the glory of God? Does your musicing explain that sin separates mankind from a holy God? Do you sing the entire truth that the wages of sin is eternal death but the gift of god is eternal life only through our Lord Jesus Christ? If you are musicing these eternal truths, you should take courage because your music ministry will be much more efficacious than if you only sing praise choruses.
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