Sunday, August 4, 2013

Finding God's Will

 Finding God’s Will

Matthew 4:19 states, “And he saith unto them, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
       When Jesus was walking on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, he saw Peter and Andrew net fishing out of a boat.  Jesus, knowing that they were fisherman by trade, made an appeal to them in the language of a fisherman.  Jesus did not call them to build boats.  He called them to become fishers of men because that is what they did well.  He called them to take the old “gospel net” and use it to catch men and women for the Lord.
       God calls men and women who have musical talent to minister for Him with music.  Christian musician, God has called you to do what He has given you the gifts and graces to accomplish successfully for his kingdom. 
       Many talented Christian musicians mistake their call to music ministry with some other calling that seems to be, at the time, more exotic or noble.  Christian musicians must remember that there is nothing more noble than finding and doing the will of God.  There is no profession that is more valuable or noble than using your God given musical gifts in Christ’s kingdom.

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