Friday, October 17, 2014

Punctuating Our Worship Music part 2

Punctuating Our Worship Music part 2
            I am well aware that many Christian musicians are interested in warm fuzzy statements about music worship.  However, it appears to me that someone needs to bring to the attention of worship leaders how illogical it is to handicap the gospel message by omitting something as important as standard punctuation marks. Words have specific in the context in which they are used in sentences. Worship music has many purposes but it is ultimately about meaning.  I am also aware that worship music is more than rhetoric, but it till is rhetoric.  Christian musicians should realize that rhetoric is an effective technique of using language which is either written, spoken or sung to more persuasively present the meaning of the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.            
              I am concerned about the inadvertent philosophical statements we make when we fall into the current trend of dumbing down the presentation of church music. When one partially strips words from their meaning by removing punctuation from their meaning, that worship leader is guilty of dumbing down the spiritual message of the lyric poetry which is being sung. Surely any thinking worship leader could not believe that punctuation marks get in the way of cognitive worship or the emotion of worship for that matter. 
            Perhaps the reason that many churches find it hard to attract and engage educated people is that the message of the gospel is so often presented in such uncultured and uneducated ways. True believers should always seek to present the spiritual messages of worship in the best possible ways!  If God is the audience and our aim is a greater understanding of His moral nature, then a musician should use every appropriate means to engage the minds of the worshipers as they music unto God.


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