Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Influence of the Holy Spirit on Music Ministry part 4

The Influence of the Holy Spirit on Music Ministry part 4    

          You might ask, "What will the Holy Ghost teach Christian musicians concerning music?" I know exactly what he wants to teach us. He wants to teach us the truth. St. John records the words of Jesus (14:26a) "But the comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, He shall teach you all things . . . ."  I know that Christ was talking to his disciples. I know that there was a lot more involved here than just music.  However, I believe that when Christ said “all” He meant all truth including the truth about how to worship Him with music "in spirit and in truth" (see St, John 4:23-24).  Since the Holy Spirit is a safe teacher, Spirit filled musicians who are Spirit led can always trust Him for correct musical guidance. 
          Perhaps I should explain that although the Bible does not provide us with exhaustive truth concerning music, what it does tell us is always, as Francis Schaffer often wrote, “true truth”.  Every reference to music mentioned in the Bible, as II Timothy 3:16 states, is “… given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.”  Ephesians 518 commands the Christian musician to “be filled with the Spirit”. 
          The Greek word pleroo (417) which has been translated filled in the AV; means to be continually filled with the Holy Spirit so that the musician’s musicing may be efficacious (see verse 19).  Rather than being continually under the influence of wine (verse 18), the Christian musician is admonished to be continually under the influence of the blessed Holy Spirit. 

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