Monday, May 26, 2014

Prayer, Song, and Thought for the Day

Prayer for the Day   
I want to thank you Lord that you have not left Christian musicians alone in this wicked perverse world. I also want to thank You heavenly Father that you have made it possible for the Christian musician to have you as a guardian and guide throughout this life.  Please help me to be filled with your Spirit every day.  Help me to be under your influence as I attempt to music unto God and unto other Christians.  Also, I am asking you to help my musicing to be a warning to those who hear me music unto your wonderful name.  These things I am praying in your wonderful name.  Amen.
Song for the Day   Breathe on Me, Breath of God by Edwin Hatch  
Thought for the Day  
If Christian musicians would be as concerned about what is right with Church music as they often are about what is wrong with it, their music ministry would be of a much more positive nature.


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