Saturday, May 17, 2014

Prayer and Thoughr for the Day

Prayer for the Day  
I want to thank You precious Savior that You are truly my friend.  Thank You that You are always bigger than my troubles.  I also want to thank You for the privilege of coming to You in prayer.  In the time of trouble and temptation I can always come to You our sinless Savior for help.  Even if my earthly friends were to forsake me, You are a friend that will stick closer than a brother.  Lord, help me to draw close to You so that You can take me up in Your strong arms and shield me from life’s stormy blasts.  Thank You for being such a wonderful Savior and friend.  Amen.  
Thought for the Day  
Although sometimes prayer is not a time of sweetness but rather a titanic struggle, it is still a privilege to come to God in prayer.




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