Friday, December 11, 2015

The Prince of Peace

The Prince of Peace
Isaiah 9:6, “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”
            Although the Advent season is a very peaceful time for some Christians, it is often everything but peaceful for others.  I distinctly remember that those days were often extremely stressful for me. During those years when I was a college music director we produced our musical dramas in the college chapel.
             Most memorable was one afternoon in early December when I went on the chapel platform to inspect the stage setting.  We had a large section of the stage right set that had been glued together that morning.  Much to my horror I discovered that there was a large puddle of glue that had leaked onto the carpet that had been freshly laid during the previous summer.
            “Quick like a flash I sprang up to see what was the matter!”  An hour later after much scrubbing the carpet was free of the Elmer’s glue and a most awful catastrophe was avoided. I am not sure that I relaxed again until the Christmas musical production was over, the set was struck, and I had inspected the new carpet for any tell-tail signs of glue.  The memory of that event is amusing to me now, but it wasn’t then. 
            As practicing musicians we cannot always avoid stress, but we should make sure that it does not totally obscure the reason for the season.  In the midst of all you are doing, make sure to keep Christ’s first and second coming paramount in your thinking.


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