Monday, July 13, 2015

Prayer, Song, and Thought for the Day

Prayer for the Day 

Lord, You are wonderful, merciful, wise and kind.  I want to thank You for sending watchmen to care for my soul.  Thank You that you have sent the blessed Holy Spirit to lead and guide me through this troubled world.  Please give me the wisdom to listen to Your trumpeter’s sound.  Please help me to purpose in my heart to obey the checks of the Spirit.  Help me to have a heart void of offence toward my God.  These petitions I am praying in God’s name.  Amen.

Song for the Day Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah by Thomas Hastings 

Thought for the Day

The shofar was an instrument of great strength.  God had the watchman play it so that all could be warned in times of danger.  The rebellious people did not take advantage of its warnings because they had purposed in their hearts not to listen.






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