Friday, July 10, 2015

God Owns Music-part 2

God Owns Music-part 2
            Yesterday we discussed briefly that it is imperative that all philosophical basis of music begins with God’s creation, which includes music, and God’s ownership which includes music.  Why all this fuss over ownership?  The reason is that God is autonomous. And that God made music.  As Christian musicians, we must give Him preeminence--that includes music.  Any other philosophical belief will lead down the long slippery slope of humanism. Religious humanism is an integration of humanist   philosophy with religious endeavors and beliefs that center on human needs, interests, and abilities. We, as Christian musicians, are not autonomous and do not own music and musicing. Therefore, we do not have the right to believe that music and musicing begins and ends with our endeavors.
            As a Bible College music teacher for over forty years, I have seen very talented music students that headed down that philosophical path.  They found out early on that they were talented enough to proceed without God's help. They would deny that they were religious humanists but deep down in their heart their music and musicing was not sold out to God.  They either secretly or sometimes openly held ownership to music especially when it came to matters of musical style. 

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