Sunday, July 5, 2015

Does your music philosophy have a "hole" in it?-part 2

Does your music philosophy have a "hole" in it?-part 2
            In order for a Christian musician to develop a series of systematic statements i.e. beliefs about the whole of music, he or she must become knowledgeable of the nature and value of music. This musician must retain God's knowledge in his or her philosophical belief system of music and musicing.  (See Romans 1:28). As a student of music philosophy studies the "garden variety" of music philosophies published today, he or she must view them in light of Bible principles of musicing.  The student must be aware of what a particular music philosopher believes, not only about music, but also about God.
            The reason that every Christian musician must have knowledge of what music philosophers consider to be the foundations that govern musical thought is that “… the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.” (Luke 16:8)  A Christian musician must never falsely believe that he or she has a corner on musical knowledge or that a Christian cannot or do not need to learn from musicians who are not believers. A Christian musician does not have to believe all of what a music philosopher or an experienced music educator teaches, but on the contrary part of what is taught may be very valuable to the development of a Christocentric music philosophy. 


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