Saturday, July 4, 2015

Does your music philosophy have a "hole" in it?-part 1

Does your music philosophy have a "hole" in it?-part 1
            Is the Bible all that a Christian musician needs in the development of a unified, congruent, thorough, useful, and biblical philosophy?  No!  Since I believe that a Christian musician needs a very broad education in music to be an effective minister of music, you may wonder why I keep mentioning Bible principles of music.  Although Bible principles of musicing are not all one needs, they are the foundation on which a Christian must build a music philosophy.  When a musician is developing the who, what, where, when, why and how of our musical foundations, the Scriptures are the looking glass through which he or she must always view the whole of music.
             Why do music philosophers keep talking about the "Whole of music?"  If a music philosophy does not include the “whole" of music it will surely have a "hole" in it!  II Timothy 2:15a admonishes Christians to, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God..." The words spoudazo (4704) translated study means to be earnestly diligent.  The word dokimos (1384) means, according to Jamison-Fausset-Brown, "tested by trial, as opposed to 'reprobate')."  So, study diligently to test your music philosophy.



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