Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Submit and Resist

Submit and Resist
   James 4:7-8B states, “Submit yourselves therefore to God.  Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.  Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you.”  
       The answer is to resist and submit at the same time.  However, you cannot resist until you submit.  When you submit it is easier to resist.  God will give you the power to resist Satan, but He will only give you that power if you submit to Him.    
       Submitting every situation TO God is many times a difficult task.  Many Christian musicians are energetic self-starters who are not often of a mind  to let someone else solve their problems.  They know that God is able to each life situation but they still try to deal without their problems without fully submitting Gods will and wisdom.  
       How should we then submit?  The answer is found in verse eight.  Draw near to God!  The closer that a Christian musician gets to the great heart of God, the easier it becomes to submit to His will and way.  The closer a Christian draws to God the closer He comes to us.  When He is close to a musician the more clear and real the relationship becomes.  The closer a Christian comes to God the more he or she is able to take advantage of God’s wisdom and protection.  Satan doesn’t like to be in the presence of God, so as we draw near to God, Saran will flee from us. 



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