Saturday, November 16, 2013

Music Belongs to God

Music Belongs to God  
St. John 1A-3 states, “In the beginning was the Word …All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made.”  
       It is comforting to a committed Christen musician when he or she realizes that music does not belong to any musician.  God made music so He owns it. The proper understanding of music begins with its ownership.  
       Music belongs to God because He created it in a real and personal way.  It is important for us to realize that music did not begin with a “big bang” but rather with a big creation by a big creator.  Knowing that God created and owns music helps to understand that, since He created music in a real and personal way, He still cares about music and how we use it.  
       As his musical servants, we are a part of something that God considered to be very good when he created it.  Genesis 1:31 tells us very clearly “And God saw everything that he had made, and behold it was very good.”  Since music belongs to God, and since He created it in a very good condition, we know that He cares about what we do to his creation.  Since He cares about what we do to music, we know that He will show us how to keep it in its original “very good condition”. 
       We are not alone in the twenty-first century.  God has not abandoned us to wallow in ignorance concerning how to music.  I Corinthians 2:16 tells us that we have the mind of Christ.  It is therefore our responsibility to simply seek the spiritual discernment to gain the mind of Christ concerning how to music unto Him in this present age. 

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