Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Prayer, Song, and Thought for the Day

Prayer for the Day      
Lord, You are my Lord and Savior.  You are my helper, healer, counselor, defender, deliverer, and friend and brother.  I am asking You to make Your praise so glorious when I music unto You that those who hear my song will also want to praise You for who You are and what You have done.  I know that all my musical efforts will be in vain unless You help me to music unto You.  Lord, you have done much for me and the people to whom I minister.  Help us all too truly be thankful as we praise you with music.  These things I pray in Your name.  Amen.  
Song for the DayOur God Reigns” by L.E. Smith Jr.    
Thought for the Day     
The Levite musicians who served in the Jewish Temple were separated to record, thank, and praise God.  Try remembering, and truly being thankful before you lead others in praise music.


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