Friday, May 31, 2013

Musical Instruments of all Sorts

Musical Instruments of all Sorts  

       Ecclesiastes 2:8b states “I gat me men singers and women singers, and the delights of the sons of men, as musical instruments, and that of all sorts.”
       King Solomon was rich, and as he confessed in verse 10b, “I withheld not my heart from joy.’  All sorts of music and a great variety of both male and female musicians were available to pleasure him with musical performance.  At the end of his musical journey of pleasure he confessed in verse eleven that “…all is vanity and vexation of spirit."
       I have lived long enough to observe musicians who have spent a life time consuming music on their lust.  Like Solomon they are never happy.  I have also observed church musicians as well as secular musicians who were enamored with a life of personal performance.  They, like Solomon, are never satisfied or fulfilled.
       The more talented you are, the more you will be tempted to believe that you have the right to consume your musical gifts and talents on your own lust.  At the end of your musical journey of religious humanism, I promise you that without doubt your life will be empty.  The joy of getting all you can get out of music and canning up all you get for yourself will leave you lonely and empty.
       The joy of getting all you can get out of music and giving it all back to God is the only thing that will bring you true happiness and a life of fulfillment.  If you fail to give all you have back to Jesus, you will find out that “all is vanity and vexation of spirit.”  The saddest and most pathetic musicians that I have ever met have been older musicians who have spent a lifetime of “getting”.  They may have been rich and famous but they were all men and women who were of all people on this earth most miserable.


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