Thursday, May 28, 2015

Brunch with Jesus—part 6

Brunch with Jesus—part 6
            Matthew 4:19 states, “And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” and Mark 1:17 records, “And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.”  The disciple’s brunch with Jesus reinforced Jesus’ desire for Christians to do more than sing about fishing for men.  If we have brunch with Him he will also remind us that we must become “fishers of men”; that proof of love is proof of new spiritual life; and that proof of love involves much more than musical rhetoric about loving Him. Some of our worship musicing, when we brunch with Jesus, should be a call to becoming “fishers of men” and to Christian service by renewing our vow to present ourselves as living sacrifices unto God.  Although Christ had called His disciples to serving others long before His suffering, death and resurrection, He took the time to appear this third appearance to His disciples to have brunch with them and remind them again that loving and worshiping Him involves loving and serving others.
            The purpose of my posts about having brunch with Jesus is not about downplaying the singing of praises to the blessed Trinity.  I want to make it very clear that having brunch with Jesus should include bestowing sincere lavish praise on the triune God that we love and serve. However, I am convinced that Jesus desires that we show Him our love and worship by loving and serving others.  Therefore, a part of having brunch with Jesus should not only involve our praise responses to Him, but also our allowing Jesus to not only feed our souls but also talk to us about what really matters to Him.


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