Monday, March 9, 2015

Is Music the Power of God?—part 8

Is Music the Power of God?—part 8
            The post post-modern thinker believes that if any style of music comes under criticism, the conservative thinker is not criticizing the style of music but rather his Christian brother and his brother’s music.  Moderns, post-moderns, and now post post-moderns all quote Romans 14:10, “But why doest thou judge thy brother” or why doest thou set at naught thy brother...” They often stop in this point in the Scripture and forget that it continues, “...for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.
            I agree that it is dangerous for one Christian musician to make another Christian’s musical performance a test of faith.  It is not a truism that just because a person performs some style of religious music he or she “could not possibly be a Christian.”
            Although many current writers say, “Don’t judge your Christian brother’s music.”  Here in lies the philosophical fallacy.  Music does not belong to any Christian or non-Christian performer, arranger, or composer.  All music comes under the Lordship of Jesus Christ since in the beginning God created music.  So, when some particular style of church is brought under scrutiny, it is not the Christian performing the music that is being judged, but rather the form or style of music or the performance practice.
            Since all form, style and performance practice of music belongs to God and not man, and since all aspects of music come under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, no church musician has rightful ownership to form and style.  There are no aspects of music either secular or sacred that are autonomous.


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