On the authority of the Bible lesson
found in Ephesians 5”19 and in Colossians 3:16, music is a communicator of
grace first by teaching (didasko
1321) and secondly admonishing (noutheteo
3560) by the worshiping body of believers.
Singing should teach worshipers the Word and about the Word. Singing should also admonish believers and
sinners as it expounds the Word to the congregation. These two aspects of church music serve a
very important function in public worship.
If psalms, songs of laudation to
God, and non-carnal songs are going to communicate grace to the worshiper they
must be sung and played “with grace” or “in grace” by the worshipers and they
must be sung to the Lord. Note that this
Scripture teaches that these songs should teach and admonish the people. Likewise, the Ephesians 5:19 statement:
to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making
melody to the Lord.
speaking (singing) to ourselves with making melody in our hearts to the
Lord. Therefore, the notion that music
in worship should not communicate a message to the congregation but rather only
address God is not a biblical view. The
fact that worshipers are admonished to sing unto the Lord does not negate the
importance of music communicating grace to the people.
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