Saturday, July 6, 2013

Led Away with Music

 Led Away by Music
Nahum 2:7 states, “And Huzzub shall be led away captive, she shall be brought up, and her maids lead her away as with the voice of doves, tabering upon their breasts.”
       Although there is argument surrounding the name Huzzub, it is thought by some scholars to be the name of the queen or Nineveh.  The Book of Nahum records that Huzzub was lead away captive by music.  Verse seven states that her maids led her heart away by the use of beautiful soothing or gentle use of music accompanied by breast drums.  The meaning of the word taphaph (8608) is “to drum”.  These small drums consisted of a hoop covered with skin.  These drums had string attached which was looped around the maid’s necks.  They were played by the use of both hands tapping the heads of the breast drums. 
       Christian musicians often fear wild, loud, raucous, dissonant music sung and played by musicians wearing gaudy silver chains, large crosses performed by musicians adorned in tight leather pants, hobnailed boots who have their hair dyed bright purple.  However, this Scripture gives an Old Testament example of one being led away captive with the sound of small breast drums accompanying maids accompanying the “voice of doves”.  Those of us who are accustomed to the sounds that doves produce know that they produce a soft pleasing sound.
       All music has power and, therefore, all styles of music exert power over the performer and the listener.  So, the Christian musician must carefully consider this potential power that music will have when he or she musics in public or private.  Music should edify the believer instead of drawing his or her heart away from God. Because music can lead us either away from our heavenly father or draw us closer to Him, we must carefully choose and utilize “Style’ when musicing unto God.



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