Monday, July 8, 2013

A Prescriptive Approach Part I

                                   A Prescriptive Approach to Church music-Part I
        Believers who adhere to prescriptive thought believe that the church has the authority and responsibility to prescribe what styles of music are most appropriate for public worship and evangelism.  This type of thinker not only believes that most people who attend church expect sacred music to be of a different character than the music of the world.  They also believe that sinners often have no problem making a distinction between sacred and profane music.     
       Philosophically this body of believers thinks in terms of the world as needy sin sick souls who come to the church for new life.  This church believes that if those in need will listen to the gospel of Jesus Christ preached and sung by the church since sinners want to hear “good news”.  This church believes that the gospel is good news because it gives sinners the prescription for eternal life.  This thesis thinking church believes in absolutes.  They believe in absolutes in theology.  Therefore it is easy for them to believe in absolutes in church music.
       They believe most people who recognize that they are sick and go to a doctor’s office expect to come away with a prescription.  They have faith that the doctor has the ability and has the right to prescribe what will make them well.  Most people would be disappointed in a doctor who said, “Sir, you are very sick-as a matter of fact you are sick enough to die.  However, getting well is completely a matter of your opinion.  So, what medicine do you like best?  Let’s see, I have big pills and little pills, I have round ones and rectangle ones.  I have green, yellow, red and pink ones.  I have sweet, sour, bitter and salty ones.  Remember, it’s all a matter of taste and likes and dislikes, so what is your choice?”  Now in the 21st century when it comes to church music, people go ballistic when the pastor, minister of music and church board prescribes what they believe, in the fear of God, are the best styles of church music suited to the awesomeness and solemnity of the worship of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit

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