Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Profit-Loss Ledger

The profit-Loss Ledger
St Mark 8:36 states, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and loose his own soul?”
       I guess I should have introduced this little discussion on April fifteenth (Income tax due in the US).  However, you probably need this now because you are probably so busy right now that you are wondering if all you are doing is really worth all it is taking out of your life energy.  Church musicians sometimes are not sure if all they are doing is really worth it when they consider the “big picture”. 
       I have titled this little “pep talk” The Profit-Loss Ledger.  Take a look at verse thirty five of this chapter of St. Mark’s Gospel.  It says that if you save you lose and if you lose you save. What does your profit-loss ledger look like?  Jesus said in verse thirty four that, as a Christian, you should deny yourself and take up your cross and follow Him.
       The goal of the Christian musician should be to come to the end of life with a good looking profit-loss statement.  You have chosen to lose this world’s goods so that you can save up treasures in heaven.  Be sure that you do not “gain “the whole world” and lose “your own soul”.  Be assured that you have made the right choice, although it may not look like it when the going gets rough. 
       You must always remember that “market timing” does not matter as much as “time in the market”.  What that means in spiritual terms is that as you stay in the will of God year after year, you are laying up treasures in heaven.  You cannot see them now because they are not here but rather in heaven.  When your earthly profit-loss ledger is closed at the end of your life, you will see clearly that” it pays to serve Jesus—it pays every day.”  What this means is that your heavenly eternal interest is compounded daily by our heavenly Father.

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