Monday, June 10, 2013

A Good Thing to Confess

A Good Thing to Confess

       Psalm 92:1-2 states, It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High: To show forth thy loving-kindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night.”
       The superscription of this psalm identifies it as “A Psalm or Song for the Sabbath Day.”  It is a wonderful creedal confession.  We as Christian musicians should often confess to the independent, self-existent eternal God that it is a good thing to give thanks (yada-3034) i.e. to hold out our hands in avowal to God.  Christian musicians should be quick to raise our hands before God as an expression of honor to our precious Lord and Savior.
       These verses are also a confession that is a good thing to sing praises unto our God.    The words “sing praises” have been translated from the Hebrew word zamar (2167).  Thus we confess that it is a good thing to play the strings of a musical instrument as we sing unto our God.
       Christian musician do not ever let Satan convince you that your musicing unto god is a waste of time.  I believe that the effectual fervent musicing of a righteous musician can avail much!  Satan knows that he cannot get you to rob a bank or steal a car, but if you are not careful, he might get you to “sit in the seat of the scornful”.  If he can get you to become depressed then he can cause your musical ministry to become ineffective.  You must remember that the “joy of the LORD” is a musician’s strength.
   You must take courage Christian musician.  Tell Satan, “In the name of Jesus Christ, “get thee behind me Satan…”  We should remember the words of Martin Luther who wrote in hymn “A Mighty fortress” concerning Satan that “One little word will fell him.”That word will come from our advocate Jesus Christ the righteous one!

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