Sunday, June 23, 2013

Christian Musicians Must "Reason"

Christian Musicians Must “Reason”
*Isaiah 1:18a, “Come now let us reason together saith the LORD…”
*I Samuel 12:7, “Now therefore stand still that I may reason with you…”
*Romans 12:1, “I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.”
*Acts 17:2, “And Paul, as his manner was, went in unto them, and three days reasoned with them.”

       Isaiah, in his prophecy to Judah, uses the Hebrew word yakach (3198) which has been translated reason in the AV.  It means “to cause one to decide to be right’.  In Samuel’s exhortation to Israel, the Hebrew word shaphat (8199) was used and it has been rendered reason in the AV.  It means literally to “pronounce sentence or to execute a judgment” on someone.  The Roman writer used the Greek word logikos (3050) which the AV translated as reasonable.  This Greek word means to use rational thinking or the use of logic.  St. Paul used the Greek word dialegomai (1256) in is three day disputation in the Synagogue at Thessalonica.  It is translated reason in the AV and it means to dispute or argue thoroughly with logic.
       God’s Word and God’s way is always logical and reasonable.  If Satan is trying to get you to think unreasonable thoughts or follow a path in life that is unreasonable, resist him in the name of Jesus Christ and he will have to flee from you.  He will not have to flee because of your logic or what you believe, but rather because you invoke the strong name and power of the Lord Jesus Christ who is sitting at the right hand of the Father making intercession for you at this very moment.
       God is never the author of confusion or irrational thinking or reasoning.  Musicians are emotional and sometimes irrational thinkers.  Sometimes they just do not think before they leap.  If your thinking right now does not line up to the Word of God, change your thinking.  If you cannot defend your thinking with God’s reasonable Word, then what you are thinking is wrong.   Do not leap if you haven’t prayed and followed the clear leading of the Holy Spirit.  If you are in doubt, don’t do it!
      If a thorough discussion of God’s Word proves your thinking to be faulty, you are, as my father used to say, “Leading your ducks into a poor pond”.  Don’t speak or act before you think.  Be sure that you never act in haste.  Satan whispers “You must act fast”.  Our wise heavenly Father says, “Come now let us reason together.”

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