Sunday, June 16, 2013

Putting Our Trust in the LORD

Putting Our Trust in the LORD

Psalm 118:8 states, “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.”
       Psalm 118:8 is the middle verse of the Bible.  This verse is a beautiful admonition for Christian musicians which the LORD has placed in the middle of God’s love letters to his children.  There are two words which are of special interest in this verse.  The first is the Hebrew word chacah (2620) which has been translated trust. Strong identifies it as a primitive root word that connotes fleeing to the LORD for protection.  The second word of interest is the Hebrew word batach (982) which is translated confidence in the AV.  This word means to trust, put one’s confidence in, or to be confident the LORD.
       This verse does not say that it is wrong to put confidence in a friend.  It merely says that it is better to trust or take refuge in Jehovah who is the autonomous, self-existent, eternal God.  Our friends are for a while and then they pass off the stage of life very quickly.  Therefore the Christian cannot put permanent trust in any human being.
       As Christian musicians, we all have people that we trust.  However, we must always keep our eyes on Jesus.  People are prone to make misjudgments and to fail us in our time of extreme need.  Our sinless, perfect, loving, all-knowing Savior will never let us down!  There Christ is our batach and we can always trust Him.  There is no one else who deserves such confidence. 
        Although we all need people to befriend us, we must always remember that is in Jesus who will stick closer to us than a brother.  That means a lot to me, since my two earthly brothers Nathan and David, have stuck close to me, and have fought my battles all my life.  When I think about my elder brother, Jesus Christ the righteous, that I can trust even more than my two earthly brothers, I get blessed in my soul.

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