Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Ministry is a Continual Process

Music Ministry is a Continual Process

I Chronicles 16:37 states, “So he left there before the ark of the covenant of the LORD Asaph and his brethren, to minister before the ark continually, as every day’s work required.
       King David left Asaph and his associate musicians there in the Tent to minister musically before the Ark of the Covenant.  The Hebrew word Azab (5800) translated as “left” in this verse means to relinquish or commit.  King David trusted the chief musician Asaph and the musicians who ministered under his supervision so much that he could leave them there to minister musically.  In other words, the king could trust them to stay on the job in his absence.
       These musicians were so steadfast in their commitment to music ministry that David could put complete trust in them to keep ministering unto Jehovah even when the “Boss” was absent from the place of ministry.  They considered their ministry a sacred trust.  It seems that these music ministers trusted themselves and the worth of their music ministry so much that they were steadfast guardians of musicing unto the LORD.  This sacred trust was a direct result of their understanding of the value of music ministry in this pre-temple place of worship.
       King David trusted Asaph to not only stay at the job site but also to get the job done.  We know this because this Scripture verse tells us very clearly that he trusted these musicians to minister “Continually, as every day’s work required.” Can God trust you to stay on the job?  Can God trust to continually minister musically?  Can God trust to minister as much as every day’s work requires?  Can God trust you to keep remembering the importance of your place of musical ministry?

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