Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Musicing is Discussable

All Musicing is Discussable

Ephesians 5:10 states, “Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord.”

       Modern man and post-modern man have erroneously come to the conclusion that musical matters are non-discussable. The reason for this philosophical fallacy is that they believe that since music is part of the natural world, and therefore a part of man’s non-fallen natural autonomous ownership.
       The above mumbo-jumbo means simply that church musicians do not have to prove anything about “their” music to anyone.  Sadly enough they believe that church musicians also do not have to prove what is “acceptable unto the Lord” when it comes to music ministry philosophy.
       As a Christian church musician, you may believe with all your heart that you are autonomous when it comes to your musicing unto God, but when you face Him whose eyes are as a flame of fire, you will give an account of what, when, why and how you have musiced unto God.  Now you have the opportunity to make sure that your musicing unto God is acceptable unto Him. 

   The Greek word dokimazo (1381) rendered proving in the AV means to test or to examine.  There you must carefully examine what you are doing musically and exactly how you are musicing unto the Lord.  Make sure that your music ministry is well pleasing and fully acceptable unto our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  It is always a wise decision to prove first and do second.




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