Friday, November 7, 2014

Prayer, Song, and Thought For the Day

Prayer for the Day
LORD I am convicted about my musicing unto You.  Lord, You know that from the bottom of my heart and soul I want to music unto You with great passion!  I am asking You at the beginning of this day to help me to sing unto Your Great and mighty name with the dunamis of the Holy Spirit.  I am asking You in the most earnest way to help me to live a life in the Holy Spirit so that Your love and power will flow out of my inner-most being when I sing or lead others in singing unto You.  These things I am asking in Your Wonderful name.  Amen.
Song for the Day  “Holy Spirit Be My Guide” by Mildred Cope.
Thought for the Day
The only church musicians that do not have a right to music unto God with great Joy are those who try to sing about Him without knowing Him personally.

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