Monday, November 24, 2014

Congruency in Our Musicing part 4

Congruency in Our Musicing part 4
             I am weary of watching and listening to Christian musicians as they receive the preeminence when they are performing what they call worship music.  I am reminded that God has declared in Isaiah 42:8, “I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.”  Many Christian musicians who consider themselves to be conservatives have subscribed to the popular “musical idol” philosophy.  As a result of accepting this worldly philosophical view, worship leaders set about the task of drawing the listener to themselves rather than to Christ-- thus they become an “idol” to the audience rather than a humble servant of  Christ.  I find it impossible to successfully worship the Creator of music while God is being upstaged by heady high-minded musicians who are performing the artistic medium that God created.
            Now we should consider what is meant by the tem secular music.  This term simply means music that is not addressed to Deity or to sacred acts of worship or adoration of the one true God.  There is absolutely no philosophical problem with a conservative Christian musician performing secular music as long as it is not music that is antagonistic to the changed life of a Christian.  Furthermore, there is nothing wrong with a performer receiving praise for a secular performance.  Honoring a performer for his or her secular performance is perfectly in order because God is not the object of this performance.  I would like to remind Christian performers that they must never forget that while God is not the object of secular performance, He is the creator of music and therefore philosophically music as an artistic form ultimately belongs to Him!  So, Christian musicians should not act like they own music.  All music in the life of a Christian musician belongs to God and therefore comes rightfully under the Lordship of Christ.

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