Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Christian Musicians Who Attempt To Live in a Bubble

Christian Musicians Who Attempt To Live in a Bubble

            I am concerned that Christian musicians sometimes forget that we are Christians first and musicians second.  I know that it is faulty to make every Scripture about music.  However, it is also faulty to ignore the fact that the whole-life of every musician who is a Christian must come under the Lordship of Christ.  Therefore, Scriptures that pertain to Christian living and conduct also apply to every Christian musician’s music and musicing.

            Musicians often cloister themselves away from the mainstream of life and attempt to exist in a hermitage that belongs to the strange sect of people called musicians.  It may be possible for a musician to believe that he or she lives in a little musical bubble that that excludes all others who do not belong to this strange little fraternity, but if a Christian’s musicing has any hope of being spiritually efficacious these musical acts must be done in community.  Also, musicians who have any hope of being the slightest bit Christ-like, must not consume their musicing on self-aggrandizement.

            So, musicians who are Christian must adhere to the same Bible principles that all other Christians follow.  It is not a mistreatment of Scripture to believe that the principles of Christ-like living taught in the Bible extend to a Christian musician’s music and musicing.  At times I get weary of Christians who declare “That Scripture has been taken out of context because it doesn’t mention music or musicing directly”.  They miss the point because they seem to have forgotten that Christian musicians must abide by the same set of Bible principles that all other Christians follow.



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