Sunday, March 11, 2018

What is a Music Philosophy? Part 3

What is a Music Philosophy? Part 3 

            Since philosophy is the love and pursuit of wisdom, Christian musicians must not develop a music belief system based on the rudiments (stoicheioin, 4747) of this world.  To paraphrase this passage of Scripture, do not let the world (kosmos, 2889) spoil (esomai, sulagoges, 2071, 4812) or seduce you when you develop your philosophy by arranging or ordering it the way the world orders or arranges the philosophical principles of music and musicing.  God (thesis) orders things a certain way and the world, influenced and controlled by Satan (antithesis), has confused Christian musicians into rearranging the order of the building blocks of music until they no longer are effective concomitants of worship.  Do not let the world take you captive by believing and following the empty delusion caused by what worldly musicians believe to be the nature and value of music.

Without systematic guiding principles a Christian musician will likely make musical choices that are faulty.  Biblical principles that relate to musicing must be the foundation of a philosophy of music. The Christian musician must be careful to analyze the fundamental grounds and concepts that govern all music and musicing to be sure that all philosophical beliefs are Christocentric.  Furthermore, all of a Christian musician’s philosophy of music must be in alignment to the matrix of God and His Word, which is His divinely inspired guidebook for Christian musicians.

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