Saturday, March 31, 2018

How Ecclesiology Affects Sacred Musicing—part 3

How Ecclesiology Affects Sacred Musicing—part 3

            What I believe he was saying is that a fellowship of believers should not think of the church first and then Christ and the Spirit.  Colossians 1:18 states, “And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.”  Christ must be preeminent because He said, “I will build my church”.  Christ is not the chore boy of the church but rather the “chief corner stone”. Therefore the whole of church music and musicing must be aligned (congruent) with Christ’s teachings. In our sacred musicing Christ must have the preeminence.  Preeminence connoted something being surpassed by the quality of having greater excellence, distinction or prominence.

            In order for a Christian musician’s music and musicing to give Christ the preeminence, it must be congruent with the excellence that represents the moral nature of the trinity. Remember that without Christ and the Holy Spirit there is no authentic Christian Church.  The window through a Christian musician views the structure of the church will be the deciding factor in the development of that musicians musical paradigm.  A musician’s musical paradigm will be the bell-weather of that musician’s music philosophy.  A Christian musician’s music philosophy will strongly influence that musician’s music praxis.  We are not the ones who were charged with the responsibility of building the church with Christ’s help and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  As Christian musicians we are Christ’s little helpers who assist Him as He builds His Church.

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