Friday, March 30, 2018

How Ecclesiology Affects Sacred Musicing—part 2

How Ecclesiology Affects Sacred Musicing—part 2

            Psalm 127:1 teaches very clearly that, “Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it….”  God’s church is just that—it is His house, His kingdom and His building which must be constructed by Him. We know this with certainty because the Holy Writ instructs all Christian musicians that we are not the ones who build it.  We are the stones in His church and we must align our lives and our music ministry so that our musicing is “fitly framed together” with the many other ministries that make up His “holy temple”.

            So, the foundation of the doctrine of the church must be built first and foremost upon Christ as the cornerstone.  Second, the church is built in the Holy Spirit as Ephesians 2:22 teaches. Although much has been written about music leadership in the church, not much has recently been written about the guidance, leadership and anonting of the Holy Spirit on our musicing in the church.  Dr. Fry considered Christ to be the foundation stone upon which everything else is aligned and on which the church is established.  Without Christ and the Spirit there is no true church. 

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