Saturday, January 3, 2015

Prayer, Song, and Thought for the Day

Prayer for the Day

Lord I am bringing my troubled emotions to You this morning.  I know that You can lift me up but my trouble is being able to believe that You will lift m up in the most holy faith.  I am asking You to take care of me and lift me up out of the pit of noise that seems to surround me at this time in my life.  Help me to trust You in child-like faith.  I am now saying “”Abba Father”—my Father.  I am lifting my hands up to You like a toddler who believes that his father will take him up in His arms.  These things I am praying in Your Loving Name.  Amen.
Song for the Day  “Jesus is All I Need  by James Rowe
Thought for the Day
Being a born-again Christian does not remove our human frailty.  However, we have an advocate with the Father whose name is Jesus Christ who will hold us in the hollow of His hand when we are too weak emotionally to face the journey.

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