Monday, December 2, 2013

"To the Saints and Faithful Brethren'

“To the Saints and faithful Brethren”  
Colossians 1:2 states, “To the saints and faithful brethren in Christ which are at Colosse:  Grace  be unto you  and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” 
       St Paul wrote to the saints and faithful brethren who lived at Colosse.  They were faithful saints.  You can also be a faithful saint in the twenty-first century. It is God’s grace that has made it possible for you a faithful music minister and a saint.  
       Like the Christians at Colosse your peace has come from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.  Think of it, God has made it possible for you to have faith, love, hope, grace and truth.  Through our heavenly Father you have knowledge, wisdom, and spiritual understanding.  God has made it possible for you to have spiritual strength, power, patience, longsuffering, and joy.  God has delivered you from the power of darkness and has brought you into the kingdom of Christ through forgiveness of sins and redemption through the blood of Christ. 
       That long list of good things should cause you to smile out of at least one side of your mouth!  Surely you should recognize that God has provided for you in a marvelous manner out of His great spiritual storehouse.  Musicians are sensitive people who are prone to experience great highs and then plunge into the debts of despair emotionally.  If you are in an emotional low place, I suggest that you re-read the list of good things mentioned above that have been made a reality in your life.   If you are currently really depressed, perhaps you should read the list two or three times.  Invite Satan to listen while you read the list and as you read some of the precious promises in God’s Word.  I promise you that he will flee at the sound and reality of God’s inspired infallible Word.

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