Sunday, December 1, 2013

A Vision of God

A Vision of God       
Isaiah 6:1 states, “In the year that King Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple.” 
       Isaiah dated his vision of God by remembering the year that king Uzziah died.  Many times we cannot see a vision of God until the kings in our life are gone.  Do you have anything that is “king” in your life that would keep you from seeing the Lord Adonay (136) who is the sovereign controller of the universe?  If so, the real king Adonay will not be able to be the sovereign king of your heart.
       When Isaiah saw a vision of who Adonay is, he was able to see himself in proper perspective.  Many church musicians not only have trouble seeing God high and lifted up and worthy of service and worship, but also have trouble seeing themselves  undone and needing the cleansing with the coals from off of the altar of God. 
       Do not let the following “kings”: self-righteousness, self-actualization, charisma, performance worship, glitz, glamour, self-aggrandizement, and self-preservation keep you from receiving a proper vision of Adonay who is the sovereign controller of the universe.  Remember that all the false kings of a musician’s life must be dead before he or she will be able to see a proper vision of God.


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