Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Prayer, Song and Thought for the Day

Prayer for the Day  
Lord, I want to thank You for separating me to serve You with music.  Please help me to understand that You have trusted me with the responsibility to present Your message to men, women and children in the twenty-first century.  Give me a greater vision of the fact that my music ministry is a “sacred trust” and therefore, I am an obligated musical servant for as long as I live.  Please give me a greater passion for presenting Your Word, will, and way to people who hear my musicing and the musicing of the musicians that are “under my hands” for musicing.  These things I fervently ask of You my Lord and master.  Amen.   
Song for the Day   “Come Christians, Be committed” by E.B. Lloyd  
Thought for the Day  
Christian musicians who consider their musicing to be a sacred trust are obligated to continue to music unto God as long as they live and are physically able to perform their musical ministry.

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