Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Called to Music unto God

Called to Music unto God  
I Chronicles 25:1A states, “Moreover David and the captain of the host separated to the service of the sons of Asaph, and of Heman, and of Jeduthun, who should prophesy with harps, with psalteries, and with cymbals…”    
       There is no doubt about it the Levite musicians were called out, separated or appointed to prophesy with their musicing unto God.  Not only Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun but also their sons were called to present God’s message through the art of music.  Christian musician you are not called to merely perform and direct religious music or merely lead others in musical performance, but you are called to present God’s message through music.  In this sense you are called to “prophesy” i.e. to present God’s message to the people with the anointing and passion given to you by the Holy Spirit.
       Many Christian musicians have never been catechized in a theology of music ministry that espouses the biblically sound basis for the belief that musicians are actually called to “prophesy” in the same manner that pastors, evangelists and missionaries are called out by the Holy Spirit. All Christian musicians who are called out to music ministry are given the responsibility to serve God with their musicing.  These called out musicians must consider their musicing to be a “sacred trust”.
       Do you consider your musicing to be a sacred trust?  Do you understand that you have been separated by the Holy Ghost to serve God through the medium of music?  There is not a single reason to deny the fact that musicing unto God is a sacred trust.  Understanding the nature and value the import of being separated to serve God through the great god given art of music will go a long way in helping a Christian musician to understand the nature and value of his or her existence in this life.

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