Friday, April 19, 2013

Spiritual Horticulture of the Musician Part 5

                                          What is the Christian musician like?  Part 5
       Psalm 104: 16 tells us, “The trees of the LORD are full of sap: the cedars of Lebanon, which he hath planted.”  Remember, I have been telling you that Christian musicians are full of sap.  Now I have given you proof from the Bible!  The Christian musician whose xylem is utilizing God’s living water by bringing it up to God’s light and temporarily storing it in his green chlorophyll filled leaf, will experience God’s power transforming the means of grace (prayer, Bible reading, musicing unto God, etc.) into spiritual “sugars” or carbohydrates  and other spiritual nutrients too numerous to mention in this short post.  The Christian will then, through the phloem of the Holy Spirit, be able to distribute these spiritual life sustaining nutrients to all of the branches of God’s tree.   Isn’t our God a wise, wonderful and caring spiritual horticulturist?
       Chlorophyll is another aspect of spiritual photosynthesis that we have not said much about.  The Kentucky “Greek” definition of chlorophyll is, “The stuff that makes a leaf green.”  More formally chlorophyll is any of the pigments found in the chloroplasts of the green leaf.  I have to tell you that I get blessed when I think about the photosynthetic process of chlorophyll.  It absorbs red and blue light wavelengths and reflects them as green.  So all God’s light is absorbed by the Christian musician and reflects spiritual green –the color of life!  Praise God! 
        Furthermore, there are two types of chlorophyll known as” A” and “B”.  Their molecular formula is similar, but it is slightly different.  It is different because of the fact that they have slightly different light absorbing properties.  Again, I am blessed when I think that the great ‘Spiritual Horticulturist’ knew that we would all absorb the truth of His light at different levels and in slightly different ways. , Some plants that do not have both” A” and “B” are provided by our Heavenly Father with chlorophyll “C”, just because He cares.

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