Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Thought for the day-understand part 5

The music part of music that has been influenced by Satan will have a negative effect on the performer and the auditor.  So, when it comes to musicing, the intent of the "doer" does not sanctify the deed.

Can we understand music's meaning?-part 5

       For the past few days we have been discussing the concept of understanding music's meaning.  The question may be ask at this point in our discussion," What kind of understanding  will be received when one juxtaposes two diametrically opposed  styles, genres, types, kinds of music?  If  one is to agree that we receive understanding from  performing or listening to a style of music, what happens when we  marry the "understandings" of two musics in a manner that is incongruent?
       Now we are in deep water philosophically. If music  A  somehow  gives us understanding of the lust of the flesh by exciting us sexually and music  B  somehow gives us understanding from the words about the " love of our Savior Jesus Christ", which understanding will the performer and listener receive?
       I contend that this musical amalgamation  has a  double or dual intentionality.  I want to make it clear that I do not believe in this terminology in the exact  way as music philosophers like Scruton .  What I contend is that music  A  has a specific purpose and aim, so therefore its intentionality is different from that of music  B  which has a diametrically opposed intentionality.
       Therefore, the understandings received from the juxtaposition of these two musical purposes will at best severely muddy the waters of the message of this music.  So, it looks like maybe we are unable to have our musical cake and eat it too. I am not convinced that we can sort out the bad and keep the good by "re-tasking" music that is of a  dual  intentionality. To use a concept of  Francis Schaeffer, when "nature and grace" do battle, nature eats up grace.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Thought for the day-understanding part 4

God created music, at least partially, so that we could better understand his Word.

Can we understand music's meaning?-part 4

       The music philosopher Roger Scruton stated, "If music has meaning, then that meaning must be understood by one who understands the music." Understanding Music by Roger Scruton, p. 34   Although I do not agree with all Scruton meant by that statement, I do agree that, at face value, the statement is true.  We can understand music and also its meaning i.e. it's import. Where we would disagree is that I believe that the performer always brings something from outside of music to the experience of "doing' i.e. performing music or to the experience of listening to music. I believe that all understanding that comes from inside of music can be understood outside of music.
       The most important thing about music is that we EXPERIENCE it.  It will never hurt or help us very much while it is merely left in the musical score.  Although an astute musician may audiate music (hear the music in his mind as he sees it), I contend that it does not really come alive and have great power until we experience it  produced, performed, recorded etc.
       I believe that Scruton's statement is true, in that the person who stands to receive the most "understanding" from music is the one who understands its formal properties, its style, its "nuts and bolts" its melodic structure, its harmonic practice, its text etc. etc. etc. Therefore, the person who stands to be influenced the most, either for good or for evil, by a particular type of music is the person who hears or performs it with the most understanding. However, I believe that everyone who musics actively by" doing" or passively  by hearing is affected what they do understand.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Prayer for the day-God matters

                           Prayer for the day-Nothing matters as much asGod matters.

Lord thank you that when my heart and flesh fails—Jesus never fails.  Thank you for promising me that you will always be my portion.  Help me to trust you when the arm of flesh fails me.  Help me to reach out and receive your precious promises that are always sure and steadfast.  These things I pray in your strong and mighty name.  Amen.

Nothing matters as much as God Matters

       Today is Sunday so we are going to take a break from "Understanding Music's meaning".  We will discuss more about it tomorrow.  Today is the Lord's day so I want to praise him for life!  Psalm 73:26,28 states, My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever."   I have lived long enough for my flesh and my heart to fail.  A few years ago I was placed in a heart procedure room and actually watched the doctors work on my heart.  Therefore, I have no trouble saying "... there is none upon the earth that I desire beside thee (Psalm 73:25b )."
       God has truly become the strength of my heart.  I will tell you that as I lay there in Christ Hospital that day, nothing mattered but God.  Nothing that I owned or thought I owned mattered! Christian musician  learn to lean hard on the Savior.  Your health may have already failed or may be near to failure.  Take courage because God has promised to be your portion (vs. 26).  It is God and God alone that you must have in this world and in the world to come.
       As the psalmist said in verse 28, "It is good for me to draw near to God."  Be sure that you can say "I have put my trust in the Lord God."  As George Duffield stated in his gospel hymn Stand up for Jesus, "the arm of flesh will fail you, Ye dare not trust your own".
       God has promised in this psalm that he would be your portion for ever.  You may may not have much of this world's wealth, but you have God as your portion.  The wealth of this world will fade away, but the heavenly inheritance will last for ever.  You can take your heavenly treasure with you to the glory world.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Thought for the day-understanding part 3

Since music is derived ftom muse and means "to think or ponder",  sacred music should always make us think. 

Can we understand music's meaning?-part 3

      The English word music is derived from the word muse which means "to think".  The ancient music of the Bible was not merely an art form.  The music of the Bible was not written by  heady high minded composers who were seekers of musical fame and fortune. The sacred music of the Bible was written to honor and worship God. It was created for God's glory and our edification, education and enjoyment as part of the abundant (perissos 4053) life God created for us.  There is also music mentioned in the Bible that did not honor Jehovah.  However, the Bible does not put a premium on such music.  As a matter of fact it condemns it.
       I said all the previous to point out that the ancient music of the Bible that did follow Bible principles of musicing was designed at least partially to make one think.  Since muse means "to think", we are logically drawn to the conclusion that music was given to mankind, at least partially, in order to increase his understanding.  So, at least part of its purpose was understanding which was outside of the music itself.  However, this did not preclude meaning inside of the art of music.
      I do contend that whatever meaning was to be found inside of the formal properties of the music of the Bible was intended to be understandable outside of music.  I do not believe that music was an esoteric set of secret symbols that magically gave music meaning. Therefore, music's meaning must include insight from a knowledge of the music's formal properties and from what the performer or auditor brings to music.
      Everyone brings something to the experience of "doing" or listening to music.  No one is capable of performing or listening to music in a "vacuum".  Neither is music a secret closed system that will only reveal its esoteric understanding to a few erudite performers, college music professors, and music philosophers. I also do not agree with the notion that music "says absolutely nothing" and  can not be experience with understanding.  No musician performs and no person listens in a "bubble" with no connection to life itself.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Thought for the day-understanding part 2

The Christian musician has a responsibility to  follow a definite praxis of "doing" in such a way as to not only understand but also convey music's meaning to the worshiping body of believers.

Can we understand music's meaning?-part 2

       In yesterday's post we introduced the subject of  our ability to understand music's meaning.  Today we will continue that discusion.  I Corinthians 14:15 states "...I will sing with the understanding also." The word nous (3563) means according to Strong's Greek Dictionary, "With the intellect i.e. the mind; by implication meaning, understanding."  So, the Bible tells us that we can and should music with understanding. Most Bible commentators, when discussing this verse, major on the argument of  known or unknown language.  They fail to recognize that this mention of  singing is  also a Bible principle of musicing. 
       Note that the word psallo (5567) used here means, according to Strong's Dictionary, "Probably strengthened from psao -to rub or touch the surface; to twitch or twang i.e. to play on a stringed instrument."  So, we are talking about instrumental and vocal music in this passage of Scripture. St. Paul is instructing the Corinthian Christians to music with understanding both vocally and instrumentally. St Paul, who was a linguist, understood that psallo connoted both instrumental and vocal music.  He would never have used a Greek word that meant precisely what he did not want to say.
       The Bible instructs us that part of the meaning of musicing both vocal and instrumental music should be an  understanding of the music which is both inside (intrinsic or embodied) and outside (extrinsic or designated) of the composition itself.  This means that part of the understanding of the internal formal properties of the composition being preformed and their meaning to the performer and hearer are to be found  outside of the music itself.  This does not connote that the musician who is "doing" should not have understanding of the internal embodied meanings of the art itself.  He or she most definitely should under the music's formal properties, its text, and how to interpret it aesthetically. However, music's meaning is not a totally esoteric meaning that is part of a closed system with no relationship to life outside of the music itself.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thought for the day-understanding part 1

Can you imagine a composer who would desire to "say nothing at all" with his music?

Can we understand music's meaning?--part 1

       For today's discussion, I would like to use a portion of  I Corinthians 14:15, which says, "...I will sing with the understanding also." This portion of Scripture is small  but its meaning is huge. Absolute formalists and absolute expressionists believe that all of music's meaning is to be found in the music.  They contend that there is no understanding of music outside of the music itself.  The absolutists claim that music is a closed system with its own esoteric meaning.  The hard core formalists purport that music understanding i.e. meaning is an intellectual experience with the formal properties of the  music.  Most of them deduce a sort of humanistic self-meaning as an end to this understanding.
       I contend that music has meaning both inside and outside of itself, i.e. its formal properties. My belief is somewhat like Leonard B. meyer's concept of "embodied" and "designated" meaning. That sort of makes me a hybrid referentialist that got kicked out of "Formalist" school.  Maybe Kivy would call me an" Enhanced Referentialist"--or maybe not..  I believe that it is an oversight to contend that all musicing is incapable of saying anything at all.  Music with words or without words says something.  I believe that music not only has a message but that  as Dr. Frank Garlock has said for years, the music is the message.
       Music always has a purpose and it always says something.  It always has meaning both inside and outside of itself. If we fail to understand this philosophical concept, then we can erroneously say that it does not have  real life meaning and that it is futile to try to understand it--especially in reference to the world outside of the music.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Prayer for the day-Protecting Power

Prayer for the day—God’s Protecting Power

       Thank you LORD that many of my troubles do not come to “stay” but rather they merely “come to pass”.  LORD, forgive me for not trusting you.  You are big enough and wise enough to take care of my situation right now.  LORD please help me to trust you more.  You are able to keep the enemy of my soul from overcoming me.  Help me to be faithful exactly where you have placed me to minister musically to others.  This is my earnest prayer.  Amen.

Will God protect His musicians?

                                               Will God protect His Musicians?  (Jan. 27

       I Samuel 24:1 states, “and it came to pass, when Saul was returned from the Philistines, that it was told him saying, Behold, David is in the wilderness of Engedi.”  In the 27th Psalm “…David said in his heart, I will now perish one day by the hand of Saul…”  In a time of trouble David became convinced that Saul was going to succeed in his quest to kill him.  So, what did David do?  He went down to Gath in the Land of the Philistines. David made friends with King Lachish and lived in Ziklag because he did not trust God.  The result was that Ziklag was burned to the ground and their wives and children were kidnapped while David was out fighting for king Lachish.
       If we are not careful we, as God’s ministers of music, will decide that someone is going to get us.  Like David, we will decide to give up and go live with the “Philistines”.  We will forget that God was able to protect David and He is also able to take care of us at our post of ministry.  God is able to even protect us from a wicked church boss.
       Musician, look up, God is abundantly able to keep and protect you right where you are.  Hebrews 13:5b reminds us, “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.”  He can and will take care of you our there in “Smirgly Junction” where it seems like there is no one to help you.
       David went to Ziklag; Jonah ran from God’s call to Nineveh and got eaten by a big fish.  David thought and Jonah thought and it got them in trouble.  Quit thinking and start trusting.  If you have to think, think about God’s might, power, great love, and ability to keep and protect you.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Thought for the day-The Musician's Tongue

                                            Thought for the day-Using the Tongue
Musicians who constantly use their tongue to praise God during the day do not have to spend the evening saying “I’m Sorry”.

The Musician's Tongue

                                               How the Musician should use His Tongue

        Psalm 30:12 states, “To the end that my glory may sing to thee, and not be silent.  O LORD my God, I will give thanks unto thee for ever.”  The authorities do not agree as to what the words “my glory” mean.  The Hebrew word kabod (3519) generally means copious or glorious.  Many bible exegets believe that this word is referring to the tongue.
       I have known several musicians whose tongue was not very glorious.  However, I believe that the use of the Hebrew word kabod connotes that the Sweet Psalmist if Israel was pledging to sing praise unto Jehovah Elohim for as long as he was alive.
       The psalmist not only promised to give praise unto Jehovah the self existent eternal God who is  Elohim who is the most high lofty supreme God but he  also promised to give thanks (yadah 3034).  The word yadah means to use or hold out one’s hands in worship reverence.
       Thanksgiving requires remembrance.  It is a good thing for us all to remember what we were like before we became Christians.  Often some of the memories are not very enjoyable.  Most of us were not very nice before the cleansing power of Christ changed us.  No wonder we sing “He changed me completely”!
       Passing from death unto life spiritually is certainly not a joke, it is a reality.  So, with all our glorious singing we remember what God has done for us.  We praise and glorify Jehovah Elohim for who He is and for what He has done in our lives.  We raise our hands in avowal and worship because He is truly a wonderful Savior.
       David promised to keep his tongue singing praise and thanks to God for as long as he lived.  He pledged to use his tongue in a positive way.  For many of us, the tongue is seldom silent during the time we are awake.  Why not practice praising God.  If we use it to sing the high praises of God we will be sure that we are using it in a positive way.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Prayer for the day-Spiritual horticulture Part 8

                                                          Prayer for the day-The musician Part 8
        Thank you Lord that you have prepared a wonderful place for faithful Christians.  Thank you for the tree of life and for the fruit it bears for those who make it into the Glory World.  Thank you that this tree has leaves for the healing of all nations.  Thank you Lord that you care so much for your children.  You have provided everything necessary for your children to make it into the City and you have provided for them when they make it to heaven. Lord will you please help me to make it to heaven. This I pray in your wonderful name.  Amen.

Spiritual Horticulture of the Musician Part 8

                                                What is the Christian musician like? Part 8 
       I often think about what heaven will be like.  I used to think that I would live almost forever.  However, when my cardiologist placed three pieces of stainless steel in the lower descending dorsal of my heart, I began to think much more about heaven. I was reading some time ago in the Revelation of St. John the Divine where I came across these verses in chapter22:1-2, “And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the lamb.  In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bear twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.”
       When I read and re-read these verses I realized that there was so much imagery here and that the meaning of this explanation was very vague to me, I was almost overwhelmed with wonder and awe.  I do know this much, however, I do not want to miss heaven.  I know that God has very clearly told us that a blessed Christian is like a tree.  I also know that he has planted me beside His living water down here on earth so that He can sustain me spiritually so that I can make it into heaven.  I now know that when I get there by his blessed mercy and grace I will be able to see the marvelous and glorious things that he has prepared for his children. 
       I now know that one of the things that God has prepared for us is-- wouldn’t you know it-- a tree!!!  One of these trees has been placed on each side of the crystal clear river of life.  These marvelous trees bear twelve kinds of fruit.  I do not know which kinds of fruits it bears and I really don’t care because they will all taste good.  You see, they are good fruits.  They will be found in abundance because God’s trees bear fruit every month.
        Now get this, even the leaves of this tree taste good.  I know that they taste good because their spiritual chlorophyll is made sweet by the making of the sweet sugars when their vascular system continuously brings the crystal pure and clear water of the river of life up to the light radiating from the Lamb of God.  Praise God, my soul is blessed when I think about what the wise and wonderful Spiritual Horticulturist has prepared for his blessed children who are like trees.  Finally, I know why these leaves are good.  They are for our healing.  These leaves are not like many of our medicines down here on earth.  You see these leaves will actually cure everything that needs to be cured.  This divine medicine is an eternal cure for all who make it inside the city of God.  I want to say again, I do not want to miss heaven.  More and more I am determined to stay planted and keep tasting advantage of good’s living water, light and sugars.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Prayer for the day-Spiritual Horticulture Part 7

                                                  Prayer for the day-The musician Part 7
      Today I thank you Lord for leaving us so many Old testaments examples of trees.  How wonderful it is that you have likened the Blessed Christian to a Tree with a vibrant green leaf testimony that gets sweeter and sweeter as it turns its green leaves up to God’s spiritual light.  Thank you for spiritual photosynthesis that makes it possible for your sweetness to flow through the spiritual xylem and phloem of the Holy Spirit.  Thank you that your sweetness produced in us is able to sweeten the lives of men and women who have become bitter.  Lord I ask you to please allow me to music to someone this very day that needs the sweetness of your presence.  These things I pray in your name. Amen.

Spiritual Horticulture of the Musician Part 7

                                          What is the Christian musician like?  Part 7
       Exodus 15:25 states, “And he cried unto the LORD; and the LORD showed him a tree, which when he had cast into the waters,  the waters were made sweet (mathaq-4985)...”  Moses was in quite a predicament when he had led the children of Israel three days journey and could only find bitter water at Mara.  The LORD solved this sour water problem by having Moses cut down a tree and place it in the water at Mara.
We do not know with any certainty how or why this tree “sweetened” the waters of Mara.  When I read this passage of Scripture my imagination runs wild.  I like to think that this unidentified tree was one of God’s trees that had a sweet (mathaq) testimony of having spiritual chlorophyll filled green leaves.    In my crazy imagination I noticed that Miriam and her praise band could not sing their way out of this trouble (verses 20-21).   I like to imagine, (and it is only an unfounded notion) that God looked up a Christian musician with a” green leaf testimony”. 
There was something about the sweetness of this tree that made it useful to Jehovah.  The Hebrew word mathaq  is a root word that literally means to “suck up” something.  This tree was so full of sweetness that it was able to overcome bitterness.  So, the purpose of this little discussion is to remind us all that the LORD chose a tree with lots of spiritual “sugar” because the water was bitter.  Therefore Christian musicians must remain “sweet” even though the waters of life may at times be very bitter.  If we maintain a sweet spirit the Lord will be able to use us to help overcome the bitterness of this world.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Prayer for the day-Spiritual Horticulture Part 6

                                                     Prayer for the day- The musician Part 6
Lord please help me to stay alive spiritually so that after I have ministered to others I will not become a “castaway”.  As I try to minister to others through my musing unto God and my writings, help me to be a partaker of the divine fruit.  Help me to hide your word and your wisdom in my heart.  Please do not let Satan steal away your word which I have been able to store in my heart and mind.  Help me to share your word effectively with others.  Please help me, as you lead me to your living water, to have enough good sense to drink of its goodness so that I may to be sustained spiritually and be able share it with others. These things I most fervently ask.  Amen.

Spiritual Horticulture of the Musician Part 6

                                                    What is the Christian musician like?  Part 6
       Psalm 1:3b tells us,”...and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.”  The prosperity of the blessed Christian musician is found in the quality of the spiritual fruit he or she produces.  Matthew 3:10, Luke 3:9, and Matthew 12: 33 all identify this spiritual fruit as being “good” fruit.  As a matter fact, Matthew 12:33b explains that “...the tree is known by his fruit.”  The trademark of the blessed Christian is quality fruit.  Nothing is said in scripture about the quantity of fruit a Christian produces.  So, we gather that God looks on the quality of the Christians ministry rather than how large his or her choir or orchestra is. 
        St. Matthew 12:35 explains that the blessed Christian produces quality fruit out of one’s heart life when he states, “A good man out of the good treasure (theasuros-2344) of the heart bringeth forth good things...”  In verse 34b St. Matthew made it very clear that “...out of the abundance (perisseuma-4051) of the heart the mouth speaketh.”  When one comes to an understanding of the Greek words in these verses it becomes clear that the blessed musician will bear good fruit out of the spiritual treasures that are stored up in his or her heart—i.e. the treasures that are stored up in such abundance that there is treasure enough “left over” to share with those to whom he or she ministers musically. 
       I have always told my choir and orchestra members who travelled to churches musicing to others that, “If you are going to feed others you have to eat.”  The blessed Christian musician must have enough spiritual treasure stored in one’s heart in order to sustain spiritual life and have enough left over to feed” the hungry multitude”.  Furthermore, I have always instructed those who were “under my hands” to “...taste and see that the LORD is good...”  Many times in the past forty years I have quoted II Timothy 2:6 to my choir and orchestra members, “The husbandman that laboureth must be first partaker of the fruits.”  My father, Merle Wolf, used to say, “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.”  So, the blessed musician takes advantage of the ”means of grace” and is thereby fed spiritually  and continually supplied with enough of God’s grace  to bear good fruit for others. 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Prayer for the day-Spiritual Horticulture Part 5

                                                     Prayer for the day-The musician Part 5

       Lord my heart is blessed when I think about how you sustain plant life through the photosynthesis process.  I know that you care about your children much more than plant life on this earth.  Thank you for leaving heaven and coming to be born of a virgin.  Thank you for living, suffering and dying on the cross for my sin.  Thank you for caring enough for us to provide the means of grace necessary to maintain a victorious Christian life in this wicked sinful world.  Thank you that you not only plant us on purpose but you also sustain us spiritually very much on purpose!  Help me to remain full of your spiritual “chlorophyll” in order to maintain spiritual life through your spiritual “photosynthesis” process.  Lord please accept my praise and adoration for all have done what you are doing now, and what you will do in the future.   Amen.

Spiritual Horticulture of the Musician Part 5

                                          What is the Christian musician like?  Part 5
       Psalm 104: 16 tells us, “The trees of the LORD are full of sap: the cedars of Lebanon, which he hath planted.”  Remember, I have been telling you that Christian musicians are full of sap.  Now I have given you proof from the Bible!  The Christian musician whose xylem is utilizing God’s living water by bringing it up to God’s light and temporarily storing it in his green chlorophyll filled leaf, will experience God’s power transforming the means of grace (prayer, Bible reading, musicing unto God, etc.) into spiritual “sugars” or carbohydrates  and other spiritual nutrients too numerous to mention in this short post.  The Christian will then, through the phloem of the Holy Spirit, be able to distribute these spiritual life sustaining nutrients to all of the branches of God’s tree.   Isn’t our God a wise, wonderful and caring spiritual horticulturist?
       Chlorophyll is another aspect of spiritual photosynthesis that we have not said much about.  The Kentucky “Greek” definition of chlorophyll is, “The stuff that makes a leaf green.”  More formally chlorophyll is any of the pigments found in the chloroplasts of the green leaf.  I have to tell you that I get blessed when I think about the photosynthetic process of chlorophyll.  It absorbs red and blue light wavelengths and reflects them as green.  So all God’s light is absorbed by the Christian musician and reflects spiritual green –the color of life!  Praise God! 
        Furthermore, there are two types of chlorophyll known as” A” and “B”.  Their molecular formula is similar, but it is slightly different.  It is different because of the fact that they have slightly different light absorbing properties.  Again, I am blessed when I think that the great ‘Spiritual Horticulturist’ knew that we would all absorb the truth of His light at different levels and in slightly different ways. , Some plants that do not have both” A” and “B” are provided by our Heavenly Father with chlorophyll “C”, just because He cares.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Prayer for the day-Spiritual Horticulture Part 4

                                                    Prayer for the day-the musician Part 4 
      I thank you Lord for making me to be “like a tree”.  Thank you for keeping me sustained by living nutrients necessary to sustain my “green leaf”.  Thank you for making me to be like an evergreen tree.  I thank you Holy Spirit for flowing through me and keeping me pliable spiritually.  Thank you for not letting me become brittle and unable to make it through the storms of life.  Help me to put my spiritual roots close to your streams of   living water and to use that water to make spiritual photosynthesis in the presence of your “light”.  Lord I need your help each day as I read your word and communicate with you.  Please do not let my leaf wither but let it remain green and useful.  It is in your name that I pray these things.  Amen.

Spiritual Horticulture of the Musician Part 4

                                      What is the Christian musician like?  Part 4  
       Psalm 1:3 b states, “...his leaf also shall not wither...”  Sometimes I like to think that God’s trees are evergreen trees.  At least we know that their Christian testimony does not wither and dry up and become useless.  Since  the  leaves  on  God’s  trees  are always full of spiritual  chlorophyll,  we know that  all His trees are continually  full of sap.  We know that sap contains the life supporting fluids that flow up and down the tree through the vascular tissue called xylem and phloem.  The spiritual vascular system of God’s evergreen trees is never dormant.  His Spirit is continually flowing through the Christian musician’s spiritual vascular system. 
      One of the testimonies that the Christian musician is continually sustained and alive is that the Christian has a vibrant walk with Christ that shows in his or her life.  Why is this positive testimony possible?  It is possible because God’s sustaining power is ever flowing through the Christian’s spiritual vascular system.  Hebrews 13:5b reminds us that God has promised, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” 
       Because all of God’s evergreen trees are full of God’s goodness, they are able to make it through the storms of life.  Dead trees will not bend easily during a storm.  They also break when they are weighed down with ice and show.  However, God’s sustaining nutrients are flowing through his evergreen trees.  This will allow them to bend because God’s grace flowing through their spiritual vascular system allows them to be very flexible.   These trees bend over when loaded with the troubles of life, almost as if they were praying, and before you know it they are as upright as a giant oak.   When the Christian musician is regularly taking advantage of God’s nutrients (the means of grace) he or she is equipped with everything necessary to live a successful Christian life.  God is a great and wise horticulturist who desires to commune with mankind.  It is our responsibility to keep our spiritual vascular system working. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Prayer for the day-Spiritual Horticulture Part 3

                                                  Prayer for the day-The musician Part 3
       Thank you Heavenly Father forgiving me away to minister to others.  Thank you for the Internet so that I may in some very small way be an encouragement to musicians around the world.  Lord I am asking you right now to bless all those who lead congregational singing in churches around the world.  Help them to feel your divine power enabling them to lead others in musical worship unto you.   Please honor their ministry by making them spiritual trees that help to bless a world that needs your church and your life giving spiritual food.  Help them to be “good and faithful servants”.  This I pray in your wonderful name.  Amen.

Spiritual Horticulture of the Musician Part 3

              The Christian musician is like a tree Part 3
       Psalm 1:3states, “And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season...”  God has promised that the blessed Christian musician will be productive.  This Christian’s ministry will bear fruit.  God never said anything about “market share”.  He simply promised that the fruitful Christian would bear “his fruit”.   The post-modern church is often enamored with numbers and “big successes”.   God never promised the Christian musician large choirs and orchestras who are on national television. 
       The Christian musician should remember that Matthew 25:21 states, “The lord said unto him, well done thou good and faithful servant...”  Jesus said that when we are good and faithful with our talents, the Lord will be pleased with our ministry.  The various servants were given different amounts with different required results.   
       Our responsibility is to do the best with those we are ministering with and those to whom we are ministering musically.  We should let the judge of all the earth worry about “market share”.   No one on this earth has the wisdom to know what God expects of your ministry but God himself.   Therefore, the Christian musician should busy himself with being “good” and “faithful” to the charge God has given him, and let an all wise God take care of the results.
       We should discuss two more aspects of this verse.  God said that the blessed Christian musician would bring forth “his” fruit in his “season”.  Not only do we not have the wisdom to know how much fruit a Christian is required to produce, we also do not know what his fruit is.  My fruit may not be beautiful red apples like yours.  My fruit may be small “crab apples”.  However, God is capable of helping me to turn those small worthless looking apples into the best jelly you have ever tasted.
       Notice that the Christian musician is required to produce his fruit in “his season”.  I attended Pittsburg  State University with a French horn player who  graduated with his undergraduate degree a year before  I  finished my degree and before I had finished my graduate degree program, he  had finished his masters and was well on his way to a DMA.  At that time in my  life  I felt  like a failure but God had a plan for my life, and  although time meant much to me, God’s clock for my life was keeping perfect time.  So let God where you are and what you are doing at this present time in your music ministry.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Prayer for the day-Spiritual Horticulture Part 2

                                                        Prayer for the day-Spiritual Horticulture Part 2

       Thank you Heavenly Father for making me your son.  Thank you for removing the chaff from my life and making me like a tree.  Thank you for giving me a spiritual “green leaf” as a testimony that I am alive in Christ.  Thank you that you have made it possible for me to have inner life through your spiritual photosynthesis process.  Please keep my spiritual xylem and phloem working to circulate your spiritual “sugars”.  Lord I am asking you to help me to be able to minister to someone today that needs spiritual encouragement.  Holy Spirit flow through me today so that I may be able to feed someone’s soul today.  Thank you. I love you with all of my being.  Amen.

Spiritual Horticulture of the Musician Part 2

                                             The Christian Musician is like a Tree Part 2

       Psalm 1:3 states, “And he shall be like a tree...”  The blessed Christian musician is alive and has a green leaf.  His green leaf which is his testimony and it indicates that he is spiritually healthy.  The reason he looks healthy is that he is healthy because his spiritual roots have connected to the rivulets of God’s living water.  These rivulets of water provide just the right amount of living water for spiritual photosynthesis to take place.
       Spiritual photosynthesis is the process of the making of spiritual “sugar” in the presence of God’s divine light.  Without this living water the Christian’s leaf would wither and would not be a spiritual channel for God to use for making the essential spiritual carbohydrates.  God needs musicians with a “sweet” spirit so they can be a source of growth for his trees. 
       As the Christian turns his leaf up to God’s light, spiritual photosynthesis takes place.  The Christian musician tree’s vascular tissue (xylem) distributes God’s living water to the green leaf, which is living in the presence of God’s light, and there life-giving spiritual photosynthesis takes place.  These life-sustaining spiritual Carbohydrates (God’s “sugars” are the essence the musician’s musical ministry) which are made in the presence of God’s divine light are means of grace which are distributed by the Christian’s spiritual vascular tissue (phloem).  The Christian musician’s phloem, which is the anointing of the Holy Spirit, becomes a channel for the sweetness of God’s presence and means of grace to flow throughout God’s spiritual trees.  This is what spiritual photosynthesis is all about.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Prayer for the day-Spiritual Horticulture Part 1

                                            Prayer for the day-Spiritual Horticulture Part 1

Dear Lord I want to thank you for the purposefulness of your planting.  You have strategically planted me where you want me to minister.  Thank you for replanting me beside your little streams of living water where you provide the right amount of spiritual sustenance to feed my soul and keep my spiritual leaf green.  Help me to let my leaf so shine that those around me can see your likeness in my life today.  These things I pray in your wonderful name.  Amen.                                 

Spiritual Horticulture of the Musician Part 1

                                               The Christian musician is Like a Tree?—part 1 

       Psalm 1:3 identifies the blessed Christian musician when it says, “And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water...”  I like to think that the psalmist perhaps had a godly musician in mind when he drew this word picture of the blessed man.  
       First of all, this believer who is a godly person is planted (shathal-8362).  He has been transplanted by Jehovah.  He is not a seedling that merely sprouted as a result of the seed accidentally falling to the ground. He is a tree of divine planting.  He has been planted in that exact spot as an act of God’s providence.  God has placed you in his kingdom exactly where he wants you to minister at this time in your life.  He has transplanted (shathal) you where you are because he is a wise and wonderful horticulturalist.
       Second, he is strategically planted by rivers (peleg-6388) i.e. little channels of living water.  We know that if he had been planted in the river he would have totally surrounded and would not have lived. God knows precisely where to transplant us so that we will receive just the right amount of His living water for proper spiritual growth. 
       Third, the fact that this tree is green is a testimony that it is alive and is a divine planting.   God never transplants his ministering trees where they cannot put down spiritual roots deep into the soil of God’s grace and sustenance.   He knows what he is doing because he is the divine Husbandman.  It is our responsibility to trust His wisdom and relax with the exact spot that He has replanted us.  Our God is a great and wise spiritual horticulturalist

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Thought for the day Exit ramps Part 5

Although we often do not believe that we have the strength to stay at the post of music ministry where God has placed us, we must remember that as Rev. Coy McGinus used to say, "if we will furnish the man HE will furnish the grace."

Staying off the exit ramps-part 5

       God has given you good health and the energy and ability to serve him out there where the “rubber hits the pavement.”  However, learn early on that you are human.  You are finite. Your own human power is limited! Name yourself, Mikroteros Dunamis, Little Strength. Remember that it is God who has unlimited power. He, who is true and just , is the God of big miraculous power. The miraculous power of the apostles to witness as recorded in Acts 4:33, was not their own power, but it was the dunamis given to them by the Holy Spirit. Remember, musicians, “When we reach the end of our hoarded resources, when our strength has failed ere the day is half done, He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again.
       This little illustration I leave with you today.   A few years ago, I was mowing the lawn and my daughter Deanna brought David and Sarah’s oldest son out to ride the mower with me. He sat down between by legs and we made a round or two.  Then I placed one of his little hands on the steering wheel, then the other little chubby hand on the wheel.  Next, I placed my hands over his and we made a round or two.  Then I took one of my hands off, then the other, and he was steering the mower. Every now and then, he would get a little off course and my hands were instantly right there to bring the mower back on course. 
       I submit to you that God has declared in verse twelve of the third chapter of the Revelation, “him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God.”  Caiden, the little boy who had marched in the back door the day before, looked up at me and said, “Grandpa, I will help you” - although his strength was small, he was willing to help me.
        If you are willing, if you will now look up at Jesus and say, “I will help you,” even though your strength is small, God will empower you to be his witnesses in “Judea, and Samaria, and even to the uttermost part of the earth.”  God will be right there in the hour of trial and trouble.  On the authority of God’s “true truth” he promises, “I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God which is New Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God!  And I will write upon him my new name.” Christian musicians stay out there in God’s harvest field.  God declares in Vs. 11, “Behold, I come quickly, hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.”  May God bless you and keep you and empower this very morning to do his work.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Thought for the day-exit ramps part 4

 It is many times difficult to find God's will for your life at a particular time.  However, when God opens a door of opportunity and you  discern that it His will, it will truly be the right thing to do.

Staying off the exit ramps-part 4

       The church at Philadelphia consisted of men and women who were living sacrifices.  How do we know? We know because He who is just and true declared, “I know your works,” your deeds.  Dead sacrifices are incapable of working for God.  Dead sacrifices never do anything – because they are dead. Christian musicians should be known for not only for what they don’t do, but also for what you do for the Kingdom of God. 
        God has set before you an opened door, therefore you do not have to open it.  You don’t have to worry about man shutting it in your face. Take the musical tools that God has given you and purpose to walk through God’s opened door.
      Sixth and finally (oh! don’t you love those words “and finally”), you as a Christian musician, must recognize that you have “little strength” (mikroteros-3399, dunamis-1411).  In relation to the huge task of musicing, teaching others to music, and leading the Church of Jesus Christ in musing unto God, your strength is what the Bible calls “little strength”.  However, it also says that you can be full of strength for Philippians 4:13 boldly states, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”  The word strengtheneth is derived from the word endunameoo (1743) which means to empower or enable.  Furthermore, Acts 1:8a states, “...ye shall receive power (dunamis 1411- miraculous power, strength, might), after the Holy Ghost is come upon you...”  

Friday, April 12, 2013

Prayer for the day-Exit ramps-Part 3

Lord I want to serve you.  Please help me to be a Christian that not only believes your Word but also "does" as your Word commands.  I have started a race that I must win!  Help me to stay off of the exit ramps that Satan has so conveniently provided.  Please reveal your self to me through your Word.  Let your Word be a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my pathway.  These things I sincerely pray.  Amen.

Staying off the exit ramps-part 3

       Yesterday's post considered three aspects of loving one another that  will help the Christian musician to stay off the exit ramps. A fourth consideration is that the musician must keep God's Word. It is one thing to believe His word, but it is entirely another to keep His word.  The NIV renders verse 10 – “You have kept my command to endure patiently.”  The RSV states – “You have kept my word of patient endurance.”  The NAS translated it: “You have kept the word of my perseverance.”  Graduates, the import here is that you clamp down like an English bull dog and never let go. Patiently obey God’s Word in all situations of life.  Always remember that you are a “brother lover” (and a “sister lover”). In every occasion conduct yourself like a Christian.
       To express the meaning of this scripture in Kentucky Greek: When you get out there in Smirgley Junction where there doesn’t seem to be any help or hope, hang on and endure. When you get hurt, endure; hang on to God’s big hand; flee to the means of grace and endure patiently.  If you are truly a “brother-lover”, you will get hurt.  Although you cannot be so spiritual enough to not get hurt, you can run in under God’s big feathers to get out of the storm and receive the healing touch of the one who is true and just.  When the storm comes, run like a scared rabbit to the one whom, in Revelation 3:10, declares by the verity of His word, “I also will keep thee from temptation.
       Fifth, God is urging you to look, behold and see, “I have placed before you an opened door.”  Ralph Earl has stated that this scripture refers literally to “a door which has been opened and remains open.”  Jesus Christ the Word, the one that is holy, the one that is true, the one who holds the key of the kingdom, the one who has opened a door of opportunity to live a life of ministry to others is now pointing to your opened door.  “I beseech you therefore, Christian musicians, by the mercies of the God who opened this door, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.  “And be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Scripture for the day-Exit ramps-part 2

St. John 13"34-35 records the words of Jesus, "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.  By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye love one another."

Staying off the exit ramps-part 2

        From the Revelation of St. John the Divine, Chapter 3: 7-8 and 10-11 we read, “And to the angel of the church of Philadelphia write; these things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth; I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Behold, I come quickly, hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.”
       The churches of Ephesus, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, and Laodicea were rebuked in the Revelation of St. John Divine. The church of Smyrna was said to be poor but yet rich in the sight of God. The church in Philadelphia, “the brother lovers,” had no charges against it in the Revelation but rather was given several precious promises. Therefore, Christian musicians should emulate the church of Philadelphia.  So, one of the best ways to avoid the exit ramps is to love one another and emulate the church at Philadelphia.
       First, they loved each other. They were not like the baby boomer Church musicians of my generation who split and splintered churches over music style. You can do mush better by purposing in your heart and mind to get along. Music is never worth splitting up a congregation of believers until they are no longer able to worship at the same time in the same place.
       Second, this church kept the word of God. They believed “the words of him who is holy and true.” In this age where some churchmen do not believe or trust God’s word – trust His word. Why? Because God’s Word is, as Francis Schaeffer once said, “true truth.”
       Third, don’t deny Christ’s name by denying His Word. St. John 1:1 declares that “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Christ’s name is essentially the Word. God is as good as His word. Verse 14 tells us very clearly that “the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father), full of grace and truth. You must believe God’s word in Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning, God created…” The Gospel of John very clearly teaches us, “All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made.”  I believe that our “true truth” foundation begins with creation. If we do not believe in the truth of the real creation, then our belief system is left open for doubt and disbelief.  We will continue this discussion in tomorrow's post.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Thought for the day-exit ramps-part 1

Some times over the years I have been reminded or the O.T. story of the servant who could have gone free, but instead he put his ear up to the door post and had a small hole bored through it as a sign that he, on purpose, chose to serve his master forever.  If you will look figuratively at my ear with your mind's eye, you will see a definite hole in it.

Staying off the exit ramps- part 1

          Many Bible colleges and Christian Universities do an excellent job of preparing graduates for entering the Lord’s work as ministers of music and music educators.  However, it seems that  young Christian musicians are not always well prepared to resist taking what I call “exit ramps” after entering the Lord's work.  It is one thing to enter the Lord’s work but it is another to stay in the ministry when the going gets tough.  It is amazing to me that so many young Christian musicians who graduate from college with a clear sense of knowing God’s will for their life, so soon come to the conclusion that God has changed His mind. 
          The enemy of our soul doesn’t care so much how  well we begin our music ministry journey if he can get us to quickly take an exit ramp either to the left or to the right. When Satan’s fiery darts begin to head our direction it suddenly seems logical to get off the “highway” or at least head for the nearest exit ramp.
       Heading toward the exit ramp will set up the probability of one being hurt.  When a musician's mind is not on serving God but rather on getting off the road, he or she will often make mistakes.  When we make errors of judgment, we receive criticism.  When we receive  criticism we often get hurt emotionally and spiritually. These “hurts” will not  always come from the world but rather from other Christians.  Nothing has more potential to cause a young (or older) Christian to head for the exit ramp than to be hurt by another Christian.
          Surprisingly, one of the first exit ramps is the ramp of theology.  After an offense occurs, sometimes young Christians erroneously come to the conclusion that  their own theological beliefs must be faulty.  Anyone who takes his or her eyes off the Savior will become  vulnerable to Satan’s suggestions that "no one is really right" or "no one could do this to me and  be a Christian", so "maybe there isn't anything to being a Christian".
          A second exit ramp is materialism.  There is no doubt about it, Christian ministry doesn’t pay well.  Anyone who compares salaries and benefits of the corporate world to those of Christian workers will come to the conclusion that ministry does not pay well. However, it is generally agreed by experts that those whose careers allows them to invest their lives in others are by far the most fulfilled.
          A third exit ramp is the “no one is right” syndrome.  These Christian workers “sit in the seat of the scornful” and they do not seem to “delight in the law of the Lord” (see Psalm 1).  Rather, they seem to take exits to the right and the left.  Sometimes these Christians develop a “hobby horse" in some area of Christian living to the exclusion of a host of other precepts taught in the Bible.
After over 40 years of Bible college teaching, I am convinced that Christian work does pay.  It pays in many ways.  God has always taken care of me spiritually and financially, as well as giving me a wonderful wife and family. If I had it all to do over, I would be a Christian music educator again.  I have no regrets about my decision to become a Bible college music teacher. I thank God that by His mercy I have been able to stay off the exit ramps.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Thought for the day--Distorted understanding

Someone has said "It takes a community to raise a child."  That statement is certainly true of training a child musically. If we get the job done we need the Christian school, church, and the parents to be actively involved.

A distorted understanding of music

       The reason many Christian musicians have a distorted understanding of music's beauty is that they often do not have an understanding of great music. They only understand "consumer" music. Many times consumer music is shallow, and sometimes inartistic. In some cases it is not well composed and or arranged. It is produced by what is called a musical "hack". Someone brings an arranger a poem or a poem plus a melody line. This arranger sets this music to a simple chord progression in the desired style with little thought of any intricate development of the formal properties of the music.  The result is often a piece of music that will sell to the music consumer but is not very unique or great. Such music stays on the market for a while then virtually disappears.  There is nothing intrinsically wrong with such music.  It is simply not great music.
       Since many Christian musicians only know, like, listen too, and perform consumer music, they have little or no understanding or appreciation of more profound styles of sacred or secular music. These musicians lack an understanding of music with well placed, organized and well developed internal formal properties which make it truly great music.
       I have heard that some banks teach new tellers to identify counterfeit currency by handling real bills. I contend that the quickest way to enable the next generation of Christian musicians to understand quality worship music is to get them involved with quality musicing at an early age.  Churches, Christian schools, and Christian colleges need to provide quality instrumental and choral organizations that make possible enriched performance experiences for our children and youth.
       Shinichi Suzuki the great violinist and pedagogue believed that children should learn by listening and playing great music, i.e. the classics. A major tenet of his music praxis was having every child learn to music by what he called the "mother tongue" technique. He believed that music, like language, is best learned by hearing it from the child's mother and father. I contend that the same thing is true of church music. If our children hear and perform truly great music in church, home, and in the Christian school they will very naturally learn to love to sing, play and perform the more profound styles of music.


Monday, April 8, 2013

Thought for the day--I believe-Part 7

I believe that there is objective truth concerning all music we encounter in this world.  Therefore, it is the responsibility of every Christian to bring all of his or her music under the lordship of Christ.

I Believe-Making choices-part 7

                                                             I. MAKING CHOICES 

WE MUST MAKE Wise Choices of BOTH Sacred And Secular Music
Consider both secular and Sacred Music VERY CAREFULLY.
 Sacred MUSIC IS Addressed Directly or Indirectly to Deity 
 Secular MUSIC is addressed to TEMPORAL MATTERS WITH Spiritual Matters. 
            II. Music Is Not AMOral  

Building Blocks  OF MUSIC (rhythm, melody, harmony, tone color) INFLUENCE the Message OF THE MUSIC.
All Music Communicates Something SO WE MUST BE CAREFUL WHAT WE MUSIC.

All Music Has Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Affect on us.  THEREFORE, IT CAN NOT BE AMORAL.