Thursday, June 9, 2016

Not only Beautiful but also Suitable—part 2

Not only Beautiful but also Suitable—part 2
            We always experience sacred music in the context of community.  Most people like what they have often experience and mistrust that which they do not understand.  Such is most often the case with a person’s likes and dislikes when considering religious music and musicing in the context of religious settings both in and out of the church worship setting.  At this point the question arises, “Do frequent ways of religious musicing and these often experienced ways of doing so codify or establish a worthy sacred music praxis?” 
            I contend that frequent ways of musicing or musical traditions of church music do not insure that a style of music or the way that it has often musiced is automatically worthy to become the basis of sacred music praxis.  In other words, the way we have always musiced unto God does not insure that our music or musicing is “suitable to the subject”

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