Friday, June 10, 2016

Not only Beautiful but also Suitable—part 3

Not only Beautiful but also Suitable—part 3
             Christian musicians sometimes lose sight of the real subject of their religious musicing.  Amidst the process of religious performance, the audience (seekers and Christians) takes precedence over the real audience (the Trinity) who should be the receiver of all our praise musicing.  Also, the performance practice often becomes the goal as opposed to the “subject” (content) and the object (the Trinity) of the music which is being performed.  
            As I have often stated in my musical lectures and in my philosophical writings, Christians should always music unto God.  All sacred musicing should be musical offerings unto God that are performed in the presence (or hearing) of real live people.  Christian musicing should be presented to God for His glory and for the education and edification of both those who do and do not know the Lord (i.e. those who have received Christ’s saving grace and the seekers).

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