Friday, June 17, 2016

Not only Beautiful but also Suitable—part 10

Not only Beautiful but also Suitable—part 10
            The Greek word aspilos (784)  which has been translated unspotted in the AV means to be unblemished (physically or morally).  Keeping one’s music and musicing unblemished or without “excess or defect” (see part 1 of this series of posts) does not represent the majority opinion of 21st century church musicians.  However, the discourse of James 1:21-27 admonishes Christians to keep their “doing” unblemished and undefiled before God.  I contend that the true truth of this Bible lesson, although it mentions a variety of aspects of Christian living, extends to all a Christian musician’s doing—which includes his or her musicing. 
            Also worth mentioning is the word amiantos (283) which was translated undefiled in the AV and connotes one’s doing being unsoiled or pure.  Although contending for a Christian musician’s music and musicing to represent the changed life of a Christian which is so clearly taught in the Bible is by no means popular in this century, the   inspired Word of God warns that a Christian’s doing can become blemished and defiled in the sight of God.  Even in the Old Testament in the 40th Psalm the musician David teaches under inspiration that a part of YHVH’S deliverance of him included a new song and deliverance from the pit of noise (see AV Cambridge center reference notes.).


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